Ga Enterprise Agreement

GA Enterprise Agreement Explained: All You Need to Know

Are you looking for a reliable way to manage your data analytics at a company-wide level? Then the Google Analytics Enterprise Agreement (GA Enterprise Agreement) might be just what you need. This article will provide you with an overview of what GA Enterprise Agreement is, its benefits, and how to obtain it.

What is GA Enterprise Agreement?

The GA Enterprise Agreement is a contract that provides large organizations with access to Google Analytics 360, an advanced version of the standard Google Analytics. This tool offers more extensive data analysis options and advanced features like data integration, testing, and customization, making it more suitable for enterprise-level businesses.

The main difference between Google Analytics 360 and the standard version is the amount of data it can process. While the standard version has a processing limit of 10 million hits per month, the 360 version caters to businesses with high traffic volume, with no limit on the number of hits processed daily or monthly.

Benefits of Using GA Enterprise Agreement

If your organization has advanced data analytics needs, GA Enterprise Agreement can bring several benefits:

1. Unlimited Data Processing

As mentioned earlier, the Google Analytics 360 edition has no data processing limit, allowing you to track unlimited pageviews and events. This feature is essential for large organizations that need to process and analyze vast amounts of data.

2. Advanced Analysis Features

GA Enterprise Agreement provides access to advanced features like cross-device tracking, data-driven attribution, and advanced funnel analysis. This means you can get more insights into how customers interact with your website or app and make data-driven decisions that improve your marketing strategies.

3. Custom Integrations

Another significant feature of GA Enterprise Agreement is the data integration capability. You can connect other tools and systems to your analytics data, making it easier to access reports and analyze data from multiple sources.

4. Dedicated Support

Large organizations that invest in the GA Enterprise Agreement receive dedicated support from Google Analytics experts. This ensures that any issues are quickly resolved, and you can get the most out of your data analytics tool.

How to Obtain GA Enterprise Agreement?

To obtain the GA Enterprise Agreement for your organization, you need to contact Google Analytics sales representatives. They will assess your business`s needs and provide a quote based on your requirements.

Keep in mind that GA Enterprise Agreement is a paid service, so you should have a budget allocated for it. However, the benefits of the tool justify the investment, especially for businesses that need to process and analyze vast amounts of data.

In conclusion

GA Enterprise Agreement provides large organizations with an advanced data analytics tool that can process unlimited amounts of data. It offers advanced features that can help businesses make informed decisions based on accurate data. If you`re looking to improve your business`s data analytics capabilities, consider investing in the GA Enterprise Agreement. Contact Google Analytics sales representatives to get started.